Shawn Bowman , artist  "I ran with the idea of "house" meaning "to put something inside" I've been making dioramas lately, mostly with tiny cars and I really loved the idea of housing them inside the camera- when I was little, like a lot of kids I
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  Dave Benz , artist, “House Cat 1”  I had meant to do a Benz and Chang style painting during this SHARE, but after considering the prompt, I dropped that idea. I realized that I think of my house as the place my cat lives in (and she makes it my hom
 “House Cat 2”  Dave shows the process for creating and inking House Cat 2  HERE                             .    .
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  Eizabeth Haidle , artist  In keeping with the spirit of spontaneity, I decided to paint a series of images based on conversations that were surfacing in my which the topic of 'House' had come up. Some of these conversations are from a
  Eugene Jolivette Fontana , multi-discipline artist                                .    .
  Elizabeth Scott , writer                                                         House/Tree/Person  The kid didn’t want to go in, he said no, you can’t make me, and even though what I wanted to say was oh yes I can, just watch me, what I did was sa
  Jelly Helm , artist/writer  I am interested in the mandala, which means "circle" in Sanskrit, and is a way to contain and express all the aspects of ourselves that make up our total personality. For SHARE, I had the intention of creating a mandala,
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  Heather Hawksford , photographer, and  Sailor Holladay , writer/textile artist  Sailor and I collaborated on an interactive map/house that asked participants to read and answer a series of questions as they followed the various roads that led to th
  Amit Singh , poet   1.  House means home to some,  to some it means home,  to others it means  the returning to something    The spirit has a house,  but, it is not a house that  we return to,  but, we leave it  whenever we get a chance   The retur
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  Mark Saltveit , comedian/writer/palindromist: palindromes in answer to the question, "Did you get a house?" (mas o menos)                              .    .
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